- Gardenista
- April 6, 2013
- 10:00 am
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Last year?s terra cotta pots look great. So do last century?s. The problem can be new ones?virgin terra cotta can look so, well, orange. Your herbs deserve better. So we were excited at
Gardenista when we spotted a simple DIY technique, via The Rescued Home, for transforming new terra cotta pots into instant antiques:
Giving terra cotta an aged look is an easy project you can tackle (and finish) in an afternoon. For a full list of instructions and materials, see The Rescued Home.
Above: The finished product looks ancient (in a good way!). Photograph via The Rescued Home.

Above: Start with a standard terra cotta pot, such as Ikea?s 11.75-inch-high Fotblad Plant Pot; $7.99. You?ll also need lime, paint brushes, a spray bottle, and polyurethane spray.

Above: Japanese Hake Brushes, designed for blending or applying a wash over a large area, are available in several sizes from Dick Blick; prices range from $10.58 to $32.94.

Above: A glass spray bottle such as the Ultimate Glass Spray Bottle is $8.43 from Olive Cart.
Looking for more indoor herb garden ideas? See more of our favorites at 5 Quick Fixes: Grow Herbs on a Windowsill.
Top 10 House Plants that Clean the Air
Read more: Crafts & Design, Crafts & Hobbies, Home, Materials & Architecture, Reduce, Recycle & Reuse, Remodelista, antiques, DIY, garden and design, Gardenista, planters, terra cotta pots
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Gardenista is a one-stop sourcebook for cultivated living, a guide to outdoor design and gardening. Helmed by former New York Times columnist Michelle Slatalla, Gardenista features inspiration, garden visits, and advice for all things outdoor living, from patios and peonies, to tables and terraces. Gardens matter, and Gardenista celebrates tomatoes on the fire escape as much as rolling acres of green.
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Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/make-an-instant-antique-out-of-your-terra-cotta-planter.html
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