The Vicissitudes of State Sponsored Terrorism | Europe News
07. Oct, 2011
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Politics> The vicissitudes of State Sponsored Terrorism The vicissitudes of state terrorism July 1, 2011 | Comments: The vicissitudes of State Sponsored Terrorism by Stanley Collymore The following is a transcript of an interview with Press TV face to face by His Excellency Bruce Haile Goodwin?s ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean and a diplomat accredited to the African Union, which was given him directly after the first international conference on terrorism sponsored by Iran held in Tehran on 25 and June 26, 2011 . It was an excellent conference and I have only good things to say about the way the conference was organized and how they proceeded. We had the opportunity to exchange views and ideas, with delegations from different countries and in total we had about 60 delegations, ie some 60 countries were represented. It should be noted however that the [number] representatives from African, Caribbean and Latin America. These were the extent of countries represented;. Central and Eastern Europe too expected to have broad representation at the conference, however, one or two things that surprised me a little, and that is all related to the fact that on the first day that the diplomatic community in Tehran was invited to the conference is to highlight that the European Union ambassadors were absent, for surely it was there, I think it was a boycott by EU diplomats . [Terrorism in itself] Of course, you are absolutely right, terrorism is a global phenomenon, and when it comes to matters of this type [that are] important for the world community believe that we must leave behind these trends mean and understand that today?s problems to be solved mainly through dialogue and cooperation, not unilateral action, and [then] not for unnecessary confrontations . [The definition of terrorism? It is a very important question that was seen by several delegations in their presentations at the conference about what really is an acceptable definition of terrorism? [anyway] I do not think we have reached in this conference with a response [that is final] and I think the question is still pending and we are still struggling with what is the best answer to this question. For example I was very intrigued by a suggestion made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zimbabwe in his presentation that when you finally decide on a definition of the idea and the question of unilateral sanctions should be part of the definition of terrorism.
Your country, as we all know, has suffered a lot and [yet] still suffering from the sanctions imposed by some nations, [only] of the white members of the Commonwealth, the United States of America and some European Union countries, and, of course, is in a perfect position to talk about the violence done to his [two] country and its people for these unilateral sanctions. So your suggestion that countries that have suffered, who have been victims of unilateral sanctions can say they have experienced violence in a terrorist, and is spoken in countries like Iran and Cuba, and he mentioned that the definition of terrorism must be comprehensive enough to include the idea of ??terrorism.
[The current world order] Needless to say, the [current] world order is not fair or equitable, and we have to remember that even the various manifestations of terrorism today are reflection of an unjust world order in which we live today. Of course, remember that global world history has been dominated for the past 500 years by systems of colonialism, imperialism and systems, of course, the War Cold, which dominated the world since the [end] of the Second World War and that these unjust systems of control and domination have resulted in some very serious imbalances in terms of economic and social aspects of the various nations of the world.Terrorism and other forms of violence against humanity have their origin mainly in this unfortunate story that is sweeping the world for half a millennium. Now, since [attempt] to go beyond this unfortunate past, is duty of all nations, including nations that benefited from the colonization of other nations, which benefited from the imperialist policies, understand and appreciate that the world is entering a new era of independence and sovereignty of several countries in all continents and all seas. Therefore, the fundamental principle that should emphasize international relations today is the fact that every nation, every community, every people has the right to be independent, sovereign being, and that its independence and sovereignty respected by all and we also have the right of nations large and small, to control our natural resources and use these resources to develop as independent nations, and the development of our people, communities and people that [although] fighting for our dignity [however, should] be recognized as human beings in the world. this is very important
[They are moral pronouncements from Western countries and other powerful nations genuine?] should be, but it is not [so] it is clear that this question is characterized by a certain amount of hypocrisy, and reflect on what I consider a new stage in the whole system of state terrorism, sponsored by the state of terrorism, and spoke of the invasion of Libya, I discuss the use of certain powerful nations of the United Nations resolution as a fig leaf to invade a sovereign country in third powerful military alliance of NATO , and I think this is a very dangerous development in terms of state terrorism, and that under no circumstances Resolution 1973 authorizing the invasion of Libya, was a question of protecting civilians and others, all know that. But then, unilaterally, certain powerful nations have a vested interest in the control of resources, one of the oil resources particularly in nations around the world, were able to distort the UN resolution and use it as a piece of vine to mount a terrorist attack against an independent sovereign African country, Libya. and, as I say, I think this is a new stage in the development of state terrorism and a very dangerous portends for the future[contempt without going through Africa in Africa]
This is very clear and in fact has a very embarrassing situation for the African Union, in its own territory on the continent African colonial forces who are returning, the old imperialism are returning to exercise dominion over an African country where we had imagined all that perhaps the domination and colonization of Africa were a thing of the past and that is why I say a dangerous new development regarding the issue of state terrorism. And what that means, of course, as I said before the nations that were built [up] and created their wealth through the colonization of Africa, Asia and Latin American countries became rich and powerful, not developing their own resources, they have very little in comparison with Africa and Asia, but became rich and powerful to dominate and exploit Africa?s resources, particularly These nations have taken a decision apparently going back to the old methods of influence and domination through violence and militarism to secure control of vital economic resources such as oil.[The insidious and destructive nature of terrorism sponsored by the State]
[state terrorism is more dangerous] because the state has much at their disposal, so many resources at your fingertips. It has military and economic resources at their disposal, but has regional, national [and even international] networks that can [easily] draw, has skills, highly qualified persons can enter the field of terrorism, and therefore when a state decides to sponsor terrorism or support terrorist groups [which favors] means that the danger, potential danger, precipitation and the horror of the victims [that target] can be more catastrophic.[What should be the response of the international community?]
The international community can not [allow] has no interest in violent confrontation. In today?s world we have colonization and imperialism behind us [and as such] all conflicts or potential conflicts must be resolved through dialogue and cooperation, and this should be the hallmark of international relations, which should be the foundation of international law, and any nation that is considered too strong or powerful so you can [agree to] thwart the international will misrepresents international law, undermines [consensus] decisions [made] and manipulate the decisions of multilateral bodies [in process] . I think this should be exposed, we need to talk about it openly, we must openly condemn the nations, and we must do so in a brave, because the general influence of some of these nations is such that other nations and people are really afraid of exposing the [diverted] manipulation, the illegal and unjust policies of these [serial offensive] nations. [His love of the blackmail of nuclear states, colonialist and imperialist] As I said before, there are some nations that have benefited greatly from the colonial and imperial history of the world can not understand that it?s time to expect in terms of his will to power, his will to control, and willingness to handle. The [realist] is no less true that some countries have accumulated such a high standard of living of the consumer type, consume much of the world?s resources and society, and daily livelihoods are based on both consumption of resources, an untenable situation when look at the wide range of all the world [are] and what is essential in terms of development rate of resource consumption by these nations is untenable, however, consider that to maintain that level of unsustainable life must master not have the resources, which are held in other terrirtories and other countries, and therefore stigmatize the idea of ??nations with the label of terrorism falls into this pattern of manipulation and master. [looting of the 21st century in the developing world] This is one of the irrationality of e [biased and perverse that] the economic and political systems characteristic of countries like the U.S., Britain and other European countries. They have built huge military-industrial complexes that feed on the blood of others. You have to have wars to sell weapons: if you do not have wars, and if we aside the wars, wars, if the law where markets for weapons? So [the continuous wars, and the longest are the best] to serve the interest of these countries as well, but it serves the interests their economies are [intrinsically] based on their military industrial complex. So [is understandable from their perspective sick] is in the economic interest of these countries to promote wars and conflicts in other parts of the world. Africa is a typical victim of this, which completely blocked the development of Africa and stopped by a large number of stupid civil wars that had no purpose in terms of advancement of African peoples, but were encouraged by others, [especially] for external forces had an interest in the exploitation of African resources, and [cruel] proxy groups, some terrorist groups in African countries to generate this order, so that the continued domination and exploitation of Africa?s resources will continue. [Are the objectives of Century 21, this new breed of colonialist and imperialist success?] Maybe [time] we can consider that they are succeeding But how can this policy to be successful in the long term? As I said before the world is changing, we have the last half millennium of the settlement behind us, and when I say I?m talking about the developing world, the World Non-Aligned. We have put this behind us and be [absolutely] determined that the new world order must be [is] multipolar, respects all nations and the community?s right to dignity, sovereignty and independence, and [so important] the [undisputed] right to control their own resources for their own development. This is the new world we are looking for fashion that is rational and just, and [that] is acceptable to all right thinking people. [A new and stable world order] through our [voluntary and mutually beneficial] alliances ? South partnerships, build our own economies and power bases, and through the creation of our own [political, economic, military and diplomatic], such as the African Union partnership, we will reach the position in the world where the old order [intransigent] who refuses to give up their violence, their terrorism, their irrational domain global resources, will understand that they must meet the new world order of dignity and respect for human rights. 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